2018 Kloster Benediktbeuern - Gemäldeausstellung
2017 Pashmin Art Galerie Hamburg- Gruppenausstellung "Emotions"
2017 Art fair Beijing - Exhibition at Museum for contemporary
Art (Moca) Beijing China
2016 Solo Art show at Abu Dhabi ART HUB , Abu Dhabi - UAE
2016 Exhibition at Golfclub Kitzbühel/Westendorf - Austria
2015 Exhibition Gut Kerschlach, Manor Castle, southern Munich -
2015 Exhibition Tutzing, Golfclub, southern Munich - Germany
2015 Opening of the "house of art", studio-gallery "Art d'Hommage"
up to june, open doors for visitors
2015 Exhibition Gut Kerschlach with the sculpturists: Michael Jaks,
Gillermo de Lucca and the painter Wladimir Fuchs -
Kasachstan - Germany
2015 Exhibition Gut Kerschlach nearby Munich, "Horses, cows and
gazelles“ with the sculpturist Guillermo de Lucca - Ecuador
2014 Foundation company "Art d’ Hommage", wall art international;
expanding projects Middle East and Europe
2013 Exhibition in the ancient castle in Verona - Italy
2013 Etihad-Gallery, owner Sheikh Khalid Seddiq Mhd. Samea,
Abu Dhabi - UAE
2013 Art Committements and collaborations international, stay in
Dubai - UAE
2013 Change life to Zurich - Switzerland
2013 Group art show by Fischer consulting, Oberammergau,
Bavaria - Germany
2013 Wall paintings actions in several locations
2013 Company foundation: Wall art design by "Art d'Hommage,
Zurich - Switzerland
2013 Start Online-Selling international by Gallery "Art d' Hommage"
2012 EU Art fair, Miami - USA
2012 Art award, Boesner - Germany
2012 Auction house, Syrlin, Stuttgart - Germany
2012 Art fair Warsaw - Poland
2012 Gallery Nasta Paris -
2012 Art show Kempinski, Budapest - Hungary
2012 Art show, Company for wall painting, Kögelmeier,
Ludwigshafen - Germany
2012 "Antiques and Art fair, near Stuttgart - Germany
2012 "Galerie Kass" Exhibition, Innsbruck - Austria
2012 "Five Artists in Verona", Gallery Bertrand Kass "Circolo Ufficiali
Castelvecchio", Verona - Italy
2012 Regio Art fair, Lörrach - Germany
2012 Hotel Kempinski, Ajman - UAE
2011 Start Art Managing Dubai, Abu Dhabi - UAE
2011 Art fair Gent - Belgium
2011 Art fair accessible, Vienna - Austria
2011 Exchanges with the Institut of rock image, Universit
Frankfurt - Germany
2011 Exhibition"Interior design and prehistoric Expressionism",
Lohmüller - Germany
2011 Art award Syrlin international - Germany
2011 Group exhibition with the international artist group ADAS,
Abu Dhabi - UAE
2010 "10 artists - 5 continents", international artshow with artists,
Steinen - Germany
2010 Art Fair Beijing - China
2010 Gallery M, Vienna - Austria
2010 Auction House Hellmann, Leipzig - Germany
2010 Gallery A. Maranouchi, New York - USA
2009 Foundation of international Gallery "Art d’Hommage",
Steinen - Germany
2009 Foundation of the art movement "Prehistoric- and Historic
Expressionism“, Steinen - Germany
2009 Art Festival "10 artists" , Baden Württemberg - Germany
2009 Exhibition, Ita Wegmann Showrooms, Basel - Switzerland
2008 Art show, Café-Gallery Theatiner-Street, Munich - Germany
2008 Art show in VR- Bank, Maulburg - Germany
2008 Gallery "Ars Nova", Lörrach - Germany
- German Art group Middle East
- Metropolitan Club, Vienna - Austria
- Abu Dhabi Art Squad - UAE
- German Emirates Club, Dubai - UAE
Gallery "L'Art d'Hommage" presentations:
"10 artists of Germany - Artist festival 2009"